Magazine Christmas Trees. These are old magazines folded into a tree. I watched Martha Stewarts elves make these and had to try them. They are easy but extremely time consuming!! But spray paint them and sprinkle glitter on and VIOLA a new Christmas decoration. I have also seen this done with old books and it is super cute!! The best part, for me anyway, is that I can throw these away at the end of the season. No storage needed!!
Here they are on the mantle!
Paper Ornaments:
I saw these on ETSY and then again on Pinterest. I thought I would give them a try since I have a few pieces of scrapbook paper laying around. SUPER EASY!! I have them hung all over the house. I even have a few to hang in our bedroom to make our room a little more festive!
Here they are in the winter wonderland hallway
Here they are on the mantle
Advent Calendar:
I saw a cute idea to have your advent calendar contain fun activities with your kiddos for each day and I LOVED this!! So I decided to have the kiddos help me / Ryan come up with 24 activities that we can do as a family throughout this month. Then I created the calendar. I bought a scrapbook paper pack at Michaels during black Friday for 1/2 off. This gave me plenty of paper for the calendar plus those cute ornaments you saw earlier. I used a torn apart book pocket to create 24 pockets. It came together relatively easy, just a little time consuming glueing all of the pockets together. I hung it on the wall like a tree and then slipped all the activities into their pockets. I tried to look at a calendar while I did this so that decorating gingerbread houses wasn't on a school night. We would be up until midnight doing this!! The kids are so excited to start it and to tell you the truth so am I!!
The star at the top is made from the scraps of the pockets. The pockets are stuck to the wall with electrical tape. I have found this holds well and doesn't strip off my paint.
Woohoo once we hit this night, Santa is on his way!!
There are so many ideas on Pinterest it is overwhelming. Add on the fact that there are so many ideas that were "duh" moments for me, that I am on there constantly. It has become my go to place for recipes and even new workout routines. I love the quotes/sayings. This is my motivation for this week:
Happy Crafting or Pinteresting!!