I saw this on , you guessed it, pinterest a couple weeks ago. With our goal to eat less processed foods, popcorn was the first out the window. Have you seen what is all in that stuff?! No thank you. One night I was craving some popcorn so I looked up how to cook it. Found out it was so super easy.
Here's all you need:
* paper lunch sack
* 1/4 cup popcorn kernals
* microwave
Throw the kernals in the bag. Fold the top down a few times. Sit it in the microwave, folded side up or you can even put it on its side. Pop for about a minute and a half. My microwave took 1:35. Then its done. YAY! Yummy fresh popcorn and I can reuse the bag!
Back to our original snack. I popped 3 bags of popcorn, since there are 3 kiddos that eat snack. I spread each bag of popcorn on a cookie sheet that I lined with parchment paper (or you could use wax paper). Then I drizzled some caramel and hot fudge over top. Then I sprinkled it with sea salt, because my kids have sophisticated tastes. Just kidding, it was for me. I have to say this is a delicious little snack. Salty and sweet.
Combine the fact that you are eating just plain ole' popcorn and you can control how much caramel/chocolate you put on, it is a win/win in this house!! It is a bit messy which makes it fun to eat. My kiddos were licking the parchment paper when the corn was all gone. Ok, so maybe that was me, but who can let homemade caramel sauce go to waste. Happy Snacking today!!
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