The new blog is called Kiss My Spatula, you can go check it out HERE. She has some lovely photos but if you check out here eat and pantry tabs at the top of her page, you will find all sorts of yummy recipes. The ABSOLUTE BEST thing about this blog is it is SOOOOOOO simple with such simple ingredients. Now, if I had lived back when wagons roamed the western plains I might know these recipes. But I didn't so when I stumble upon these I get awefully giddy! I have already made her homemade peanut butter, fig jam, and granola!
Photo from Kiss My Spatula
The granola has to be my fav!! And the peanut butter is a learning process. I think I might need a better, more powerful, food processor and for sure will be roasting my peanuts in the oven to give it a much better flavor. Her fig jam is heaven for those of us that LOVE those little green fruits:
Yes I realize that I am a nerd when it comes to some things...yep I label my jams and jellies because you never know when you might need to give them away :)
But overall, her recipes are so easy to follow, I just love that!!
Photo from Kiss My Spatula
I am on a mission to try her homemade goat cheese - Chavrie is a well known brand in the store. This cheese is so incrediably smooth and has just a bit of tang. It is phenomenal on flatbread pizza's and on a sliced baguette with some tomato. It is super easy to if I only had a goat!!
We have also been learning all about fall these past few weeks. My girls are in love with the turning of the trees and there hasn't been an outting yet that Ella isn't ohh and ahhing over the pretty trees. It warms my heart. We have created a few crafts and eaten a few new yummies! I am anxious to make these: Smore Pops , for a very special after school snack :).
Here is a grown up craft for the house:
Halloween and a Christmas countdown block set. Super easy to make and super functional!! If I had a fancy smancy vinyl cutting machiney thingy it would look even cuter, but my children and my husband may never see me if I had one, so I go without. For their sake :)
We have a busy weekend of more football and some traveling. Now, it's time to get out and enjoy that fall air!!
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