They were so delicious and so easy to make!! The pastry dough was super flaky and I am excited to try various different fruits in these little pockets. Another bonus, the kids loved them!! And so did Ryan!
Here is the recipe and directions. It is a blog from Sydney, so some of the measurements are in grams but just looking at the box of butter I figured it out - 2 sticks or 1 cup. I also substituted vanilla extract for the vanilla bean and I didn't add the geletin powder that she talks about.
Homemade Apple Pop Tarts
Tonight I am trying yet another Pioneer Women recipe for Beef Bake. My parents so graciously have restocked our deep freeze with a variety of red meats: stews, steaks, roasts, and hamburger. Thinking that Pioneer Woman probably has lots of beef in her freezer, she must also have a ton of recipes for beef. She didn't disappoint! So tonight, it is Beef Bake. I think it will be delicious, what do you think?
Happy Thursday!!
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