Monday, March 26, 2012

One of those days

Do you ever have a morning that starts out so bad that you truely want to lay back down and start all over? We all had one of those this morning. Ok so maybe the kids didn't think it was so bad but man, I did. I will spare the lost bike, upset tummy because I'm so hungry, and the temper tantrum stories to say that it has gotten better. I am learning that when we have times like these, I need to pull the girls (and Chase this afternoon) in tighter and do something fun. I decided to have the girls help make some cookies. We have a few playdates this week and need some yummies to have on hand.

As always, the girls had a blast and love eating what they cook.

And as I was looking through my camera I see this smile
and I remember that sometimes being a mom is hard, no wait super hard, like I want to run away sometimes hard, BUT in the end they will always have my heart. I can't be me without them. Life isn't always roses but there are good things all around for us to see, if we just stop and look.

We also did a little school today via the computer. I finally went to This is a great site for Kyndall and Ella to use alone or together. Ella helped Kyndall today with no fighting which is a miracle. Ella has her own lessons that she works through and earns tickets/prizes. She loves it and it gives me a little time to make pizza dough for tonights yummy pizzas!

Does anyone else have a cookbook shelf like this?
I am beginning to think I have a problem. I use almost all of them for inspiration in our weekly menu or for those special occasions. I went to throw some away and I couldn't!! Hi, my name is Camie and I am a cookbook hoarder!!

I'm off to do a little dancing! Why hello there Zumba, how are you today? This might hurt a little but it will feel so good when I'm done!

Until tomorrow! Pizza post is up next!!

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