I decided to make spring rolls with some rice. Rice was no big deal and actually just used a box of rice a roni I have had in my pantry for a while that needed to be eaten (getting rid of pantry :) ). The spring rolls took a little prep but were pretty easy to throw together.
This is Daikon. It is in the radish family, therefore it tastes like a radish only a little milder. It is crunchy and very delish. I used my mandolin a lot last night prepping the veggies. Slice and then cut into thin strips.
Here are the veggies I used for our rolls. I made two different rolls. The first one was strictly veggie and the second round I added in some grilled porkchops.
These are the spring roll wrappers.
Ok so here was my assembly line setup for the rolls.
Ok so maybe the veggies need to be on the other side of your serving platter...ugh.
Here is how they turned out.
I served them with 3 different dipping sauces. Almost all of the kids liked the rolls. Our youngest one didn't really like the texture of the wrap. I thought they were so good. They were crunchy and fresh. I can't wait to make these this summer when we have fresh yummies out of our garden.
The blueberry cream pie turned out pretty good. I found it on pinterest as well. My girls (who are my go to pie tasters) were raving about it. Good job mom!!
This morning we made our breakfast burritos for the week and had some left over sausage/egg mixture. Why not fill crescent rolls with it for a yummy and heart breakfast for the kids.
Chase even got in on the cooking action.
Note to self: buy a few potatoes to add to the sausage/egg mixture to make it go a little farther.
We had a full day ahead of us. Lots of gardening, weeding, mowing, baseball, and breadmaking. I got a little coffee break with my favorite (ok so favorite at that time) little girl.
The onions, carrots, and spinach are finally in the garden. Everything is fertilized and turned over for a much richer soil. Fresh bread is rising next to the crockpot full of yogurt....life is so good!!
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