Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinterest Love

Here are just a few things we have been doing lately. Pinterest has become my go to for recipes and my go to for idea of what to make with certain ingredients. Here is an example of this. I had a package of phyllo dough that was sitting my deep freeze screaming at me. I knew I needed to use it before it was in there for too terribly long. I don't make anything alot with phyllo dough so I really didn't have a go to recipe or even one that I thought I might like to try. This is where Pinterest comes in. I simply typed in phyllo dough in the search box on Pinterest and up came several ideas. I looked through a few and found one that was something that I could make with what I had at home. I love it!! So here is what I made:
Phyllo dough purses with goat cheese and pancetta tied with green onions.

They were so delish!! And I just adored the fact that I could find a recipe with stuff I already had.

Sometimes I use Pinterest for inspiration when it comes to food. I saw a sundae cupcake and wanted to make it, it looked so delicious. I didn't need the recipe, I just needed to see the picture to help me recreate it.

I love the fact that Pinterest has got me cooking more and more with the kids as well. I want them to try and succeed with different things in their lives. This means I must do the same to show them how to deal with it all. The kitchen is my arena for this lesson. I saw pretzel bites on Pinterest and thought oh how fun would this be. Throw in the fact that they look super yummy. I followed the recipe at Two Peas and Their Pod. They were super fun to make with Chase.
Here is the yeast getting all happy

Here the dough is rising nicely

Chase getting the water ready to boil the bites. Did you know that pretzels were boiled and then baked? Neither did I.

Chase rolling out the rope

Boil those little bites in some water with baking soda

Throw them on a baking sheet. Coat them with either salt or cinnamon/sugar. Throw them in the oven.


The bites didn't look a thing like the recipe ones did but they were still a hit at snack time after school. Chase got to see me problem solve with what may have went wrong but more importantly he got to see me fail but not let it bother me.

I hope that everyone has a chance to get on Pinterest. There is no "way" to do it. It is simply a place to go and allow your creative juices flow. I just love it!! Happy Cooking!!