Sunday, December 18, 2011

Crafting and Christmas

There has been lots of crafting going on around this house these days leading up to Christmas. Unfortunately I can't share too many since most are presents for all of our family! Here is one that I will show. I am in love with this idea. I HATE giving pictures to all of our parents with no frames but I know that, like most, we all have those frames around our house that are designated for family pics. This year, thanks to pintrest, I found a great way to change it up this year. Here are the supplies:

Mod Podge, Paintbrush, Tile from any home improvement store in any size : I choose a long and skinny one since I was hoping to fit 3 pics on it: it measured 6 by 11, scrapbook paper

Cut your scrapbook paper to the size of your tile.

Apply mod podge to your tile and place your scrapbook paper on. Smooth with your fingers to get out as many bubbles as you can. I found that applying a thin layer didn't work for me, it dried too quickly. So I applied a medium layer.

Let this dry.

Apply mod podge to the backs of your picture (s) and apply to tile. Make sure your pictures actually fit on your tile :)

Then let this dry.

At this point, you can sand down the edges with a fingernail file or sandpaper. Do this carefully. If you want a more distressed look, sand more. Wipe off with a towel.

Then apply a thin layer over the entire tile/pictures. Making sure all sides are sealed.

Let this dry.

I applied a piece of felt to the back of the tile just to cover up that roughness, but it is not necessary.

Then you just pick up one of those plate holders or picture holder dowopy thingies at your nearest hobby supply store and VIOLA a thoughtful little gift.

Here is another picture idea if you don't like the tile.
I found these plaques at Michaels. I painted it, distressed it, and then mod podged a picture onto it. I love the way it turned out. I can't wait to finish up the other one and hang them in the girls' room.

I have to apologize for my pictures for a while. My big, lovely Canon is in the hospital again for the flash issue. So I am taking pics with my point and shoot. Heres to hoping it is back, fixed for good this time, soon after Christmas. Happy crafting and a very Merry Christmas to my readers!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crafting Overload

A couple months ago I was invited to join this lovely and mysterious new world called Pinterest. And if you have been on Pinterest you soon learn it is the best place in this world. All the crafts, clothes, food, quotes, pictures, workout routines, and various other things, you can think of. They are all centrally located on ONE SITE! It is wonderful but such a time waster!! But in my case it is a craft starter. As if I don't have enough crafts started in this house or in my head, I needed to add about 20 more!! All those Christmas ideas that I had back in September are thrown down the drain and the "I must try this right now" motto has begun!! Here are just a few things I found on Pinterest that I had to try:

Magazine Christmas Trees. These are old magazines folded into a tree. I watched Martha Stewarts elves make these and had to try them. They are easy but extremely time consuming!! But spray paint them and sprinkle glitter on and VIOLA a new Christmas decoration. I have also seen this done with old books and it is super cute!! The best part, for me anyway, is that I can throw these away at the end of the season. No storage needed!!

Here they are on the mantle!

Paper Ornaments:
I saw these on ETSY and then again on Pinterest. I thought I would give them a try since I have a few pieces of scrapbook paper laying around. SUPER EASY!! I have them hung all over the house. I even have a few to hang in our bedroom to make our room a little more festive!


Here they are in the winter wonderland hallway

Here they are on the mantle

Advent Calendar:
I saw a cute idea to have your advent calendar contain fun activities with your kiddos for each day and I LOVED this!! So I decided to have the kiddos help me / Ryan come up with 24 activities that we can do as a family throughout this month. Then I created the calendar. I bought a scrapbook paper pack at Michaels during black Friday for 1/2 off. This gave me plenty of paper for the calendar plus those cute ornaments you saw earlier. I used a torn apart book pocket to create 24 pockets. It came together relatively easy, just a little time consuming glueing all of the pockets together. I hung it on the wall like a tree and then slipped all the activities into their pockets. I tried to look at a calendar while I did this so that decorating gingerbread houses wasn't on a school night. We would be up until midnight doing this!! The kids are so excited to start it and to tell you the truth so am I!!

The star at the top is made from the scraps of the pockets. The pockets are stuck to the wall with electrical tape. I have found this holds well and doesn't strip off my paint.

Woohoo once we hit this night, Santa is on his way!!

There are so many ideas on Pinterest it is overwhelming. Add on the fact that there are so many ideas that were "duh" moments for me, that I am on there constantly. It has become my go to place for recipes and even new workout routines. I love the quotes/sayings. This is my motivation for this week:


Happy Crafting or Pinteresting!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Fav's Right Now

Just a quick blog post for tonight.

I can't wait to try these tomorrow:

Bacon Caramel Pecan Bars

Here is my obsession:

Rustic Crusty Bread

Homemade Cinnamon Bread

Here my favorite news this week. I am getting to cook my very first Thanksgiving dinner this year! I can not tell you how excited I am about this. I have been watching Food Network like crazy to see all of their tricks to a great bird. I am happy to share this great meal with my hubby and kiddos but this is the first year we are forgoing our typical family routines at Thanksgiving. And although this is what happens when you get married and start a family, it still will be new and we will feel like something is missing. We are hoping all those this week have super safe travels!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More Apples

We are down to our last jar of apple butter, ahhhhhhh!!! So we ran to the apple orchard this afternoon. We know there aren't too many apple picking days left :). It was gorgeous as always and tons of fun for the kids :)




I am in love with these three little faces!



I am going to try less cinnamon this time so that the true flavor of the apples comes through. I am also thinking 6 more pies in a jar are in order :). I was also going to try and make those apple pop tarts again and freezing them. They should freeze quite well.

It is supposed to get colder this week and I am so excited about it. As much as I adore 70 degree weather and the turning trees, I am ready for sweaters and chili. I am ready for snuggling on the couch with a fire going. I hope everyone has a great week :0)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Photography Fun

I am always wanting to try anything that deals with photography. A visit to my parents log cabin in the middle of Heaven the prarie is perfect to try anything. I wanted to try sunflares. These are those pictures you see that have someone standing or sitting with the sun shining behind them in such a gorgeous way. It doesn't obstruct them or cover them but just adds an element to the photo. I tried this. It didn't go so well. But I think it wasn't early enough (the sun was too high at this point) and my subject was less than cooperative. Oh well. The pics turned out cute :) sun flare or not.




Why hello caterpillar soaked with morning dew, how are you?

My mom's garden is gorgeous and overflowing even at this time of the year.

See I tell ya' it is Heaven up here. Quiet, peaceful, and so full of life.

Being at mom's house means lots of nature and wonderful cooking. Ella got in on the action this time.

She does not disappoint when it comes to meals:

Here is some my families creativity being put to great use. My mom makes the most beautiful stuff out of handknitted, handfelted felt. I guess that is what you call it. Anyway, she made this beautiful purse. The purse is made of the felt and then each flower is handmade by her. She is then embellishing the purse with jewels. It is gorgeous and one of a kind.

Now comes my younger sisters part in this purse. My sister is a great fabric designer that I know will be famous someday for something, I don't know yet but she is amazingly talented. She took my mom's drawing for this purse and made custom fabric for the lining. This is not material she bought already like this. She made it/ designed it. I am sure there are word to describe this process but I don't know them. All I know is it is awesome. I got a scarf last year from her that she had done the same thing. I love knowing it is one of a kind, no one else has one!! Back to the purse, here is the fabric and purse together. SUPER CUTE!!

I am going to leave with my favorite practice pic from this weekend. My sweet baby is growing up way to fast. I just adore her whipsy hair and her precious cheeks. Happy Fall!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011


I made these little pockets of heaven yesterday for an after school snack:


They were so delicious and so easy to make!! The pastry dough was super flaky and I am excited to try various different fruits in these little pockets. Another bonus, the kids loved them!! And so did Ryan!

Here is the recipe and directions. It is a blog from Sydney, so some of the measurements are in grams but just looking at the box of butter I figured it out - 2 sticks or 1 cup. I also substituted vanilla extract for the vanilla bean and I didn't add the geletin powder that she talks about.

Homemade Apple Pop Tarts

Tonight I am trying yet another Pioneer Women recipe for Beef Bake. My parents so graciously have restocked our deep freeze with a variety of red meats: stews, steaks, roasts, and hamburger. Thinking that Pioneer Woman probably has lots of beef in her freezer, she must also have a ton of recipes for beef. She didn't disappoint! So tonight, it is Beef Bake. I think it will be delicious, what do you think?

Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Crazy Homemaker

Yep, that's me, crazy homemaker. I found a new blog to read and I have been in the kitchen ever since!!

The new blog is called Kiss My Spatula, you can go check it out HERE. She has some lovely photos but if you check out here eat and pantry tabs at the top of her page,  you will find all sorts of yummy recipes. The ABSOLUTE BEST thing about this blog is it is SOOOOOOO simple with such simple ingredients. Now, if I had lived back when wagons roamed the western plains I might know these recipes. But I didn't so when I stumble upon these I get awefully giddy!  I have already made her homemade peanut butter, fig jam, and granola!

Photo from Kiss My Spatula
The granola has to be my fav!! And the peanut butter is a learning process. I think I might need a better, more powerful, food processor and for sure will be roasting my peanuts in the oven to give it a much better flavor. Her fig jam is heaven for those of us that LOVE those little green fruits:
Yes I realize that I am a nerd when it comes to some things...yep I label my jams and jellies because you never know when you might need to give them away :)

But overall, her recipes are so easy to follow, I just love that!!

Photo from Kiss My Spatula
I am on a mission to try her homemade goat cheese - Chavrie is a well known brand in the store. This cheese is so incrediably smooth and has just a bit of tang. It is phenomenal on flatbread pizza's and on a sliced baguette with some tomato. It is super easy to if I only had a goat!!

We have also been learning all about fall these past few weeks. My girls are in love with the turning of the trees and there hasn't been an outting yet that Ella isn't ohh and ahhing over the pretty trees. It warms my heart. We have created a few crafts and eaten a few new yummies! I am anxious to make these: Smore Pops , for a very special after school snack :).

Here is a grown up craft for the house:
Halloween and a Christmas countdown block set. Super easy to make and super functional!! If I had a fancy smancy vinyl cutting machiney thingy it would look even cuter, but my children and my husband may never see me if I had one, so I go without. For their sake :)

We have a busy weekend of more football and some traveling. Now, it's time to get out and enjoy that fall air!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall with a small dose of apple yumminess

Today the girls and I are baking and crockpotting up a storm! Applesauce is always a must have around the house in the winter. It makes my zuccini bread and banana bread very moist! Plus, making it ourselves I get to add in whatever I want to along with controlling the sugar. The girls helped me peel all those apples!




Apple Pie Filling was my "job" this morning. After the applesauce was in the crockpot, I sent the girls on their dress up way to play while I got this done. Surely, canning apple pie filling would be a breeze. Whenever that little thought goes across my head, I should just stop what I am doing, grab a chocolate bar, and go sit down. It was not a breeze and ended up taking about an hour longer than I thought it would. But with frustration comes learning. I know to cut the apples into chunks, not slices. I used pint jars since it makes the perfect crisp in little ramekins. Cutting the apples into chunks makes packing so much easier. Plus I thinned the syrup I made just a tad because it was just sitting on top of the apples and not going into the jar. Again, lessons learned!! But didn't it turn out pretty :

I can't wait to try it!!

Apple Muffins are my last goal today. As soon as the Barney music stops, the screaming naps will start, and I can get to those :). I figured with the way the day is going, I should wait until the girls are down to start them.

I have mentioned before that I love fall. Here are some of my favorite sights around my house:



Hello Beautiful!!

Here is my latest project: my new purse. I am doing a little at a time but am hoping to get it done tonight....ok maybe by next week ;).
Isn't fabric lovely!!

Tomorrow I will be sharing a recipe post from our meal tonight: Beer Braised Beef with Fennel Gratin and Spinach Salad. All of these are new recipes from Pioneer Women and Rachel Ray. Yummy!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Back to Normal

If the past few days have been my retreat, having only one toddler to chase after, then today I was back to work. Ella came home today. And although she is not to blame, I am wishing I could seperate my two daughters permantly. 
The two were more than happy to run and hug each other at Panera this morning. "Hi Lala" was heard by all enjoying their quiet breakfast this morning. And while mom and I enjoyed our breakfast the two girls were getting to know each other again and playing in the comfy chairs. But that all ended quickly as we walked to the car. I am not quite sure what set Kyndall off, but it was something big in her eyes. And it seemed from that point on life was over for my baby. Her sister was home and crying was her only way to get anyone's attention. Except that didn't work either so maybe screaming would. 
It was a ruthless day of lots of car rides (maybe not the best day to plan a lunch date with daddy) with no time to play at home before nap time. And with daddy working late tonight and football practice my ruthless day dragged on into the night. When daddy did arrive home he was handed two books and two very cranky girls. Who I believe are still awake at this time.
I know in time my girls will be one with each other and will have a grand time playing together but right now, the tension is driving us all a little crazy. I am going to try this next week to do lots of playing with them to model that correct behavior, in pure hopes that it will rub off a little. Just a little will be better than what it is now. 
I did however get cherry preserves made today and some yummy tomato sauce for this winter to throw into chili or spaghetti or lasagna. Add that to my apple butter and previously made peach and blueberry preserves, I am close to being ready for winter. I am making applesauce tomorrow and fully expect my girls to be in the kitchen with me helping me. I even have a plan on how were going to work together. 
I did enjoy thinking of those 3 things this morning of what I love about my kids. I even did it with my hubby. I am thinking I should write those down somewhere. Wouldn't you love it if you found those types of things that your mom or dad said about you? I think they would. Maybe I will do it on their blog. 
It's off to bed I go, mentally preparing for a day of baking and playing!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gotta love days like today!

What a great day today. Between Starbucks this morning, MOPS following that, Trader Joes first time visit, and home to snuggle with Kyndall: I tell ya' it was a good day. Today at MOPS we had a parent coach talk to us about Love and Logic. Lots of reminders for me and I can't wait to put them to good use here with the kids. Kyndall and I headed on over to Trader Joes where we shopped and bought some goodies for the rest of the fam. The weather here has been simply amazing. Cool weather with the smell of fall and visions of pumpkins everywhere!!

We are picking up Ella tomorrow and I know we all are ready to have her energy back in the house. It has been great fun to have Kyndall alone but it has reminded me that I have very little time left with Ella at home. She will be starting kindergarten in less than a year. I have a few more clothing orders to finish up this week and then it is all about the girls. I am doing lesson planning this weekend and getting myself all sorts of organized. I even got a jump start and organized my pantry, including the snacks. I am super excited about all the ideas I have in my head. I know one thing I will be making this weekend is a puppet theater that you can hang in the doorway. Ugh, I just can't wait!!
One of the tricks that the lovely parenting coach told us to try was to think of 3 things about each of your kids before you even see them in the morning. I am going to try this for a week and see how it goes.

 I had a great time with my kids and my family today/tonight at dinner, sometimes I need reminders that life is peaceful. My time with Kyndall and my MOPS table ladies was fantastic. I believe this is all because my tension is down and I am happy to be where I am right now. I was reminded today that my home is my mission field. I am where I should be surrounded by those that need me as much as I need them. God has put me right here, for this very reason. I am so thankful he has.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh how I hate being sick

Many viruses and bacteria's have made their way through our house over the past two weeks. Just to quickly list them : strep, bronchitis, stomach virus, sinus infection, and pneumonia. It has been crazy around this house. And when my body could no longer clean, sanitize, wash, and keep up with the massive amounts of laundry, it gave in to the sickness as well. And as we all know, when momma's get sick, life still continues. I have a hard time letting go of the control and I have an even harder time asking for help. My lovely husband is slowly figuring this out and learning how to help me without me having to ask. Even though he was staying home because of his sickness, he took care of the kids so I could sleep. And when I mean sleep, I mean all day. I don't know when the last time was that I did that or even wanted to do that. I credit that day of total rest to my 3 day sinus infection instead of 5-6 day one I usually have. It was great.
We are all on the mend, I hope. I am ready to get my house back in order. Laundry being done and the house being clean is no longer a dream, it is my week reality. And with my middle kiddo spending some much needed time with my parents, I know I can get a lot done.

I am really looking forward to spending a week with my youngest, all by herself. Already, she is showing us sides to her that we haven't seen. I love all of my kids and our house just isn't the same with ALL of them here. But I also do cherish those moments that I have with the kids when they are by themselves. These moments are dear to me and I know they are dear to them.

Our plan is to visit the parks, a few new grocery stores that I don't dare visit with both of the girls (hello Trader Joes), and lots of play time outside enjoying the fall weather. We enjoyed the weather today as a family. We went apple picking and man was it just gorgeous. Love this time of year!!




I will be turning those lovely red beauties into apple butter, apple pie filling, and some yummy homemade applesauce. I can't wait. I think I might need to go back next weekend to get more!!

I am hoping to get more crafts done this week and finally finish my Halloween purse, I started it two weeks ago. Happy Sunday!