Monday, October 10, 2011

Photography Fun

I am always wanting to try anything that deals with photography. A visit to my parents log cabin in the middle of Heaven the prarie is perfect to try anything. I wanted to try sunflares. These are those pictures you see that have someone standing or sitting with the sun shining behind them in such a gorgeous way. It doesn't obstruct them or cover them but just adds an element to the photo. I tried this. It didn't go so well. But I think it wasn't early enough (the sun was too high at this point) and my subject was less than cooperative. Oh well. The pics turned out cute :) sun flare or not.




Why hello caterpillar soaked with morning dew, how are you?

My mom's garden is gorgeous and overflowing even at this time of the year.

See I tell ya' it is Heaven up here. Quiet, peaceful, and so full of life.

Being at mom's house means lots of nature and wonderful cooking. Ella got in on the action this time.

She does not disappoint when it comes to meals:

Here is some my families creativity being put to great use. My mom makes the most beautiful stuff out of handknitted, handfelted felt. I guess that is what you call it. Anyway, she made this beautiful purse. The purse is made of the felt and then each flower is handmade by her. She is then embellishing the purse with jewels. It is gorgeous and one of a kind.

Now comes my younger sisters part in this purse. My sister is a great fabric designer that I know will be famous someday for something, I don't know yet but she is amazingly talented. She took my mom's drawing for this purse and made custom fabric for the lining. This is not material she bought already like this. She made it/ designed it. I am sure there are word to describe this process but I don't know them. All I know is it is awesome. I got a scarf last year from her that she had done the same thing. I love knowing it is one of a kind, no one else has one!! Back to the purse, here is the fabric and purse together. SUPER CUTE!!

I am going to leave with my favorite practice pic from this weekend. My sweet baby is growing up way to fast. I just adore her whipsy hair and her precious cheeks. Happy Fall!!


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