Oh hello lovely Halloween decorations for my house!! I must have!!
More importantly I must have this and after seeing the price tag, I knew I must MAKE this...after all felt can't possibly cost $60, right?
So I am on a mission to make this cute calendar so that I can have one because I want one and I know I can do it. Why am I like this? Why can't I just say "oh that's so cute but oh my goodness where would I find the time?". Creative overdrive.
The same reason I was creating this:
when I should have been cleaning my house or getting dinner ready or maybe just maybe sitting and relaxing. Nope, I was in trying to figure out how to make a pattern that I bought better because it just isn't up to my standards. I did it, but was it really necessary....nope. It was my creative overdrive.
Same reason I am up right now..creative overdrive. Our first football scrimmage was tonight and you know who had her camera ready to snap a few...hundred...photos. I read up on Mammarazzi during reading time because I knew I would have some "practice" time at the scrimmage. Man, did I. Rule of thirds baby....getting that law down!! Here are just a few of my favs from tonight:
Wait a minute...whipsy hair is not a football picture...it is with me :)
Take that!!
And that!!
I heard what you said about me...
You can't catch me
Boys of Fall
My fav of the night...not my kiddo or hubby but love the way the sun was perfection for this moment
My creative overdrive gets the best of me every day. There isn't a time that goes by where I am not trying to suck every last creative juice out of it. There are times I curse this and there are more times now that I just let it flow. So for right now, it is just flowin'. I am seeing some cute things for those I love for Christmas and even picking up a new talent in the meantime...embroidery....like hand embroidery in a hoop and such. I guess I better start reading how to do that. I figured it would be a good hobby to be doing when I am just sitting and relaxing. Happy Monday!!
PS: I know I was supposed to do something about Freezer Sunday, but I am not quite ready for that post. Soon I promise!!
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