Thursday, August 25, 2011

Supermom - No Thank You

Yesterday and today I have been hearing about an article about how trying to be a supermom can lead to all sorts of health problems, one of which is depression. And while I was watching the Today show listening to some supermom's talk about how content they are with working and  being a mom, I, myself, am having a harder time with this. Although I do not have a 9-5 job anymore (really teaching is more like a 24 / 7 / 365 days a year kind of job) I still have a job here at home. I am striving to be that supermom. Not for the title or the glory, but just because I seem to be wired that way. I do feel the need to work even harder now that I am "at home" all day. Why is this? Why can't I just be happy with enjoying my kiddos while they are at home and work on keeping my house in order? Why do we, as women, always feel the need to do it all?

Over the past two weeks alot of stress has been bestowed upon my mind. I worry that I am missing those few opportunities that I have left with the girls. So I decided to start teaching preschool to Ella and hoping Kyndall would kind of tag along with the lessons. I did this strictly for me. Ella isn't in need of any help with school and is ready for Kindergarten right now. She doens't need structure, we live in structure. She doesn't need learning opportunities throughout the year, I already provide that. I did it for me. I did it to force me to sit down for the morning and "be" with her and Kyndall. How sad is that? I had to force and put a label on it, in order for  me to feel like it was ok. I have to justify sitting down to read a book or justify why the laundry isn't done. Not to my husband...not even myself. Why?

 Here is where that supermom comes in...I knew I was being too much of a supermom and wanting to much personally, I was neglecting to see the three kiddos that were right in front of me "wanting" more of me.  I have struggled with this over these past two weeks. I have struggled to put the computer away to do fabric research or craft research. I have struggled with being patient with all of them because I am stressed about getting an order done. I have struggled with a lot. Where did I stop being a mom and start being crazy?

I am learning that my life and my time here at home is limited. I am learning that my business is going to have to take a back seat right now. I am learning that I am a good mom, when I am not thinking about 50 other things. I am learning that this is going to be much easier if I just let go. So I thought today when I heard women talk about how they love doing it all and being so busy they don't have time to breathe, I don't want that. That is not for me. What I want is more days like today.


Where work and business take a backseat to my girls and my sanity.



Where my desire to go have a picnic and eat ice cream are not dictated by what housework needs to be done or how many orders I have stuck to my pin board.


 We had a great girls morning out. And although I obviously am still working on that lovely word BALANCE, I was one step closer today. My heart is happy today and my supermom cape is hung in the closet.

With me balance also means crafting. Whether that is sewing, painting, or refinishing. I have been on a mission to make our home look more like us...or more my looks so plain. I hate it. It has no spunk, no personality. It is just boring. So I have been reading blogs and looking at others style to find my own. I have seen some amazing things and I am going to try them all. From the littlest chore charts for the kids (I can actually hear the quiet when I don't have to remind them 20 times about what they should be doing) to furniture refinishing. I am on the hunt for a couch table. A long , skinny, and tall table to put by the front door. I am excited for the hunt to begin.

Here are some of the crafts I did this week in short spurts at night.

Decoupage letters for living room and the girls' room (which is first on my decorating list)

Ruffle treese for fall. I used wired ribbon and won't use it again. I will do what I read to do, ruffle fabric. Can't wait to make more for Christmas time.

Ribbon Wreath. I had this old picture frame that was broken. I saw an idea of a wreath made out of ribbon and knew I wouldn't have to buy a thing!! It turned out cute and a great way to show support for C's team. I am thinking I need a big red and black one!!!

Happy Thursday!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I know I will be :)

1 comment:

  1. YES You DO need a big RED AND BLACK one!!! I love you so much sweet friend. You are an incredible wife, mother, and friend. Take the time to enjoy your blessings and sneak the other stuff in when time allows and you feel content with it:) Hang in there! You're doing a great job!

