My kids:
Although they have their very own blog, dedicated completely to what they do weekly, I know that I will be talking about them from time to time. The stories on this blog will differ in a few ways....I will be honest about challenges I am having with being a mom because lets face it, being a mom is hard. And not just hard when they are throwing themselves onto the floor at Target because they can't have the big bouncy ball. It is hard every minute of the day. From discipline to dinner to playtimes and school, it is hard. So let me introduce you to them while I am on the subject:
This is my oldest. Isn't he just handsome!! I just love watching him play any sport! But don't let that handsome face fool you....he is trouble with a capital T. Surely I'm not the only one with a son like this. You will hear more about him on this blog, that is for sure.
These are my girls, my loves, my heart that is beating outside of my body, my eye makeup ruining and best temper tantrum throwers! They are beautiful little souls that have the attitude to go with it. I mean really:
Yep, we know we're in trouble with her.
So those are my kids and my original reason for starting my blog Helmets and Tiaras....thought about naming it Jock Straps and Panties but thought that might be a little much. Have to give my hubby credit for the second name...quite creative for him.
My Jobby
No I didn't spell hobby wrong...this is my hobby that has turned into a job...hence jobby
I am the proud owner of my own clothing line for little girls. I have been making great quality kids clothing for about 3 years. My little dream called Charmed Fig can be the most rewarding and the most stressful job I have. I know this is no different than any other profession. This is my creative outlet and I just adore it!! I sure hope I can find someone when my girls are older to make clothes for?!
My Cooking
I am a Betty Crocker wanna be. I am in love with cookbooks and adore trying new eats at any restaurant I can step foot in. I want to share recipes and menus with you from everyday to fancy! I want to inspire you to create good, homemade, food for your families or even better just for yourself!! My newest favorite thing to do: makin' some good ole' jelly and jams from the goodies of summer
I also love to bake but have had to cut back on this area since my waistline continues to grow and my age continues to go higher....not a good combo!!
Mmmm Pumpkin Chiffon Cake...very light and airy and fab with a cup of coffee!! RECIPE
I love taking pictures and am hardly anywhere without my camera. My family has just come to understand this fact. I am hoping someday to turn this into a jobby. I love creating beautiful memories for my family and would like to do the same for others. For right now, I am still a student in the world of photography. I am still honing my craft and man do I love it!!
Ugh....look at that smile!! I now have that smile forever. LOVE IT!!
Ways to destress
My main purpose behind this blog, for this moment in time, is to learn and maybe teach how to destress our lives. I want to show how to make monthly meal lists with recipe ideas. I want to share freezer days where I share how to create 10+ meals that you can freeze for the upcoming week. I want to share ways to connect with my kids. I want to share how to connect with our husbands and our friends. I want to share how to connect with our selves. How am I going to share that because I don't do those things all the time....I'm going to blog about it. I'm going to talk about what I want to do, do it, then reflect.
I think I'll start tonight with this concept....why not....lets just lay it all out on the table....or maybe the counter. The following picture may scare some and I might lose some friends over this but it has to be shown...I need help!! No judgements please, just help. Please tell me I am not the only one with a bathroom counter that looks like this:
I mean really I have a clean house.
I vacuum twice a week..
I pick up every night and make sure my kitchen is clean before I go to bed.....
I change my bunnies litter box every day so that it doesn't ever stink in her cage....
yes I said I have a bunny, remember, don't judge, just help.....
I make sure the kids clean their rooms....
then I come into my bathroom and that is what I see....
what do I do about it...
I have determined that I am on a mission to see just how much crap I can put on the counter! But this is a game I don't think I want to play anymore. So how do you keep your bathroom clean? How do you keep all of the hairsprays, makeup, combs, bows (no I don't wear them), lotions, and glasses of wine organized? Oops...toothbrushes I meant to say toothbrushes :). I am going to try my best this week to keep this area clean. Here is my plan of attack: as soon as I lay my oldest down for "rest" time I am going to go clean up my bathroom. I am hoping if I get into this routine maybe it will stay clean!! So here is my question what areas of your house are you struggling to keep clean or organized?
I hope I made you laugh and I hope I inspired you to come check me out again.
Next blog topic: My First Freezer Day...Success!!
The master bedroom and bath are always the last to be touched on clean up . You know no one but you and your husband will really see it and the energy is gone by the time you get to that place. I laughed when I read the blog because it looks a little familiar to me.